How Climate Change Affects Gutters

Climatic change can be defined as the change in the average weather conditions. Climate change is influenced by a number of factors like; human activities, volcanic eruptions, solar radiation variations to the earth surface, movements of plates tectonics on the earth surface and also biological process can cause climate change.

Climate Change has effects on several things under the sun and some of them, as tiny as they may appear can affect the normal functions of our day to day activities as human beings. As mentioned before, climate change also affects gutters placed on ours houses and buildings in a numbers of ways as highlighted below.

Size of gutters


The size of gutters matters when it comes to climate change. This is because, they might have been made in a way that they cannot handle a lot of rainfall or downpour, especially depending on the condition or size of the gutters installed. Due to this, the gutters might start wearing out faster if there are harsh weather conditions for a long period of time.

Flooding and clogging

Prolonged downpour and rainfall can cause debris and other larger dust particles to collect into one area of the gutter especially around the edges or the downspouts areas. This alone can cause a large amount of water to dump on the particular area and cause the debris to damage the gutter or the surrounding area of the gutter. Large amounts of debris can also cause limited amounts of water passing through the gutter hence flooding of the surrounding area or even the house. As we know, different changes in climate brings about storms, which can come with all types of dust particles that eventually settle in the gutters especially if the gutters are fitted without a sieve.

Where water is not flowing in the right manner through the proper channels, that is, the gutter installed and down through the downspout, away from the house, the clogged water along the gutter will eventually pour over the gutter hence creating a flood around the home or even inside depending on where the gutter is having a clog.

Problematic gutter areas

As much as climate change can be a negative factor on gutters, it also becomes a positive factor. How? When there is heavy downpour or rainfall, one can easily tell and know the problematic areas of their gutters and have actions taken on the affected areas only, without having to un-install the whole gutter system. In the event that the overflow is more towards the centre of the gutter, it may mean that there aren’t enough downspouts to flow the water freely, hence more can be added. Or, if there is a clog in the gutters, or the gutter is damaged or has sagged in the particular area that means it needs some renovations done on it.

Rust and corrosion

Alternating heavy downpour or rainfall and too much sunlight brought about by climate change can cause rust and corrosion on the gutters. This happens especially if they are made from iron like materials. This rust or corrosion when it comes to contact with water elements, it produces a chemical that can be harmful to someone’s health when consumed.


Though climate change is here with us to stay, it is upon us to have a routine maintenance check on the gutters installed in our houses and homes to avoid the likelihood of the above occurrences and mitigate them in due course. If you require any repair or maintenance services regarding your eavestrough in Mississauga, contact professionals to get the job done right. Remember, never try to install or repair gutters by yourself, especially if you do not have any prior experience.