5 Signs That Tell It’s Time for New Gutters

When talking about the well-being of the home, gutters are an integral part. They are actually the unsung hero of the house. If maintained properly, they can go a long way and can protect you against rain and moisture-related problems. Well-maintained and high-quality gutters do last for a long time, but nothing lasts forever. Gutters also require replacement after a certain period. Read on the article to know the signs that tell its time for new gutters.


  1. Seam Stress –

Traditional gutters have seams after every 10 feet. Such gutters are vulnerable at the seam, where two horizontal sections meet. Signs of stressed seams includes – separating of the seams, or bending of gutters. A minor problem can be fixed by re-applying the seam, but in worse cases, there is a need of complete gutter replacement.

Nowadays, seamless gutters are easily available in the market. So, whenever you plan to get new gutters installed, make sure that they are seamless.


  1. Cracks in the gutter –

Small holes in the gutter can easily turn into big cracks. The cracks function as a hole at the bottom of the bucket. The water from the cracked gutter slowly seeps into the foundation of the house and weaken it. So never ignore the crack even if it is small in size. Be aware, as the cracks can defeat the purpose of the drainage system. Call the expert and get the new gutter installed on time.


  1. Peeling of the paint –

Trust me on this; if your gutters are not functioning up to the mark, then they can seriously ruin the paint of your house. Keep a check on the paint of exterior siding of the house. If it has peeled away, then the possibility is there that the nearest gutter is not in good condition. If the paint is peeling from more than one area, then not the gutter repair but its replacement is required.


  1. Mildew –

If you ever find mold or mildew in an area that used to remain dry earlier then damaged gutter is most likely the cause. If this problem persists there even after the repair of gutters, then it’s time to get the new gutters installed.


  1. Rotten wood –

If the wooden windows and doors start rotting, then moisture is the reason behind it. The wooden material slowly becomes soft, and you have to get it replaced. It will even hurt your wallet. Who likes unwanted expenditures? None! So keep a check on the gutters of the home for any leak or crack. A little rotten exterior wood element can be the cause of malfunctioning gutters.


If you find any of the above-mentioned signs in your house, then get the gutters checked by a professional gutter repairing company immediately.